Rule & Regulations

1) Besides Fees paid at the time of admission, students shall also pay Annual Fees for both 2nd year and final years.

2) Monthly tuition fees and all other due payments must be paid by the 15th of the month, failing which a fine of Rs. 10/- per month will be levied.

3) Fee collection Time is from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

4) All applications for freeship etc. must be from the parents/Guardians of students.

5) Applications for T.C., Character Certificate, Appearing Certificate, Bonafide Certificate,Stipend holder’s certificate etc. must be made to the Principal. However, it will be issued on the next day.

6) Library Books applied for will be issued between 8 AM and 10 AM on the days specified for each class.

7) All the library books must be used with care and must be returned on or before the scheduled date. A fine prefixed by the Librarian will be levied if the book is not returned by the fixed date or is lost or mutilated. 

8) Loss of ID card must be reported immediately in order to check misuse. Application for a fresh identity card must be made.

9) At the end of each academic year, a “No Dues” certificate has to be obtained and entries made in the space provided for, from relevant departments such as library/finance etc.

10) All details of NCC/Air Wing/Games & Sports/Stipend should be entered in the space provided for in the Identity Card.

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